Campfire Delight: Easy Recipe for Decadent Campfire Brownies

Treat yourself to the ultimate campfire dessert with these decadent campfire brownies. Whether RV camping or enjoying a backyard bonfire, this easy recipe guarantees rich, chocolatey goodness that will satisfy your sweet tooth and delight your fellow campers.


– 1 box (18-20 oz) brownie mix, plus ingredients listed on the package (usually water, oil, and eggs)

– Cooking spray or oil for greasing

– Aluminum foil


1. Prepare the Campfire:

   – Start your campfire and allow it to burn down to hot coals. Alternatively, preheat your grill to medium-high heat.

2. Prepare the Foil Packet:

   – Tear off a large piece of heavy-duty aluminum foil, enough to wrap around the bottom and sides of an 8×8 inch baking pan.

3. Mix and Pour Brownie Batter:

   – Prepare the brownie mix in a mixing bowl according to the package instructions.

   – Pour the prepared brownie batter into the foil-lined pan.

4. Wrap and Cook:

   – Cover the top of the baking pan with another piece of foil, crimping the edges to seal it tightly.

   – Place the foil-wrapped baking pan directly onto the hot coals of the campfire or onto the preheated grill.

5. Bake Until Done:

   – Bake the brownies over the campfire for about 20-25 minutes, or until a toothpick inserted into the center comes out clean.

6. Serve and Enjoy:

   – Carefully remove the foil-wrapped pan from the campfire or grill (use heat-resistant gloves).

   – Let the brownies cool slightly before slicing and serving. Enjoy warm, gooey campfire brownies straight from the foil or with a scoop of vanilla ice cream.

Tips for Success:

– Monitor the heat of your campfire or grill to prevent burning. Adjust the distance from the heat source as needed.

– Customize your brownies by adding chocolate chips, nuts, or marshmallows to the batter before baking for extra indulgence.

– For a faster cooking time, use a smaller baking pan and check the brownies periodically for doneness.

Ready to try these campfire brownies? Contact us for more outdoor cooking tips and RV camping essentials. We’re here to help make your outdoor adventures delicious and memorable.

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